• darkblurbg
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  • darkblurbg
    Singapore office
    By opening an office in Singapore back in 2021
    we are signaling our growth ambitions in the APAC region.
  • darkblurbg
    Trusted by the best
    Our client base are asset managers, private equity firms, and hedge funds
    managing more than USD 35 trillion in assets,
    representing a 35% market share of the world's largest 500 managers.
  • darkblurbg
    Salesforce appexchange program partner
  • darkblurbg
    London office
    By opening an office in London back in 2021
    we are signaling our growth ambitions in the UK market.
  • darkblurbg
    Trusted by users worldwide
    Users of our online market intelligence are located in 54 cities, 17 countries,
    10 time zones and 4 continents around the globe.
  • darkblurbg
    Our mission
    Simply, to save our clients’ time, money and “nerves”,
    and to empower them through comprehensive and accurate data and information.
  • darkblurbg
    proud to
    Women Investment Professionals
  • darkblurbg
    Our digital services
    Cloud-based consultant relations intelligence via our
  • darkblurbg
    Our DNA
    An independent service provider of data and market intelligence
    on truly institutional investment consultants.

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